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Tasting of Vermentino and locally-grown wines from Lunae

Internationales Erlebnis : Italien
An event not to be missed. Taste Vermentino and other locally-grown wines at the Lunae farm, a member of The Grand Wine Tour located in Ortonovo, near Sarzana! Choose from several tasting experiences.
  • Unser Preis 20,50 €
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Tasting of Vermentino and locally-grown wines from Lunae
Tasting of Vermentino and locally-grown wines from Lunae

Tasting of Vermentino and locally-grown wines from Lunae:  

Lunae is a member of the The Grand Wine Tour Association: a quality label that certifies the excellence of hospitality in wineries. The Grand Wine Tour is also an online magazineIt is in an ancient eighteenth-century rural complex located in Ortonovo, near Sarzana, where Paolo Bosoni, founder and soul of the Cantine Lunae, has created a center where wine, gastronomy and art can coexist and have a voice. The encounter between wines, liqueurs and products of the Essentiae laboratory, the productions and selections of Ca Lunae, take place in the structure and gardens of the old farmhouse.Experiences, which you can choose:The originsA journey that speaks about our roots. Roots composed of research about the ancient native vines and of sincere Passion in keeping alive the tradition of our landEnjoy a tasting of four wines accompanied by a selection of breads and Focaccia from the historical ovens of the area and tastings of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil obtained from a very limited selection of Olives from our soils.The Peasant snackA journey that will take you back in time, when farmers stopped working in the field to consume the food offered by the Soil.Enjoy a tasting of three wines, combined with a selection of breads and Focaccia from the historical ovens of the area and tastings of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil obtained from a very limited selection of Olives from our land. The freshness and mineral notes of the whites will go well with a selection of typical cured meats produced by an important historical sausage factory in the area. The good body of the red wine, on the other hand, will be combined with a selection of small producers' cheeses, obtained from pastures in Lunigiana, served in combination with homemade jams and preserves produced in our Essentiae Lvnae Laboratory.Tradition and ResearchThe will to preserve traditional vines, a strong respect for our roots, together with new winemaking techniques has always been the philosophy accompanying us everyday. A journey characterized by four excellences, wonderful interpretations of our territory, the result of years of research and constant work in the vineyard.Tasting of four wines accompanied by a selection of Pani and Focacce from the historical ovens of the area and from tastings of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil obtained from a very limited selection of Olives from our land.The VermentinoThe representation of our vitivinicultural soul, expressed in a "vertical" tasting of our most characteristic grape. A journey discovering the different terroirs of the hills of Luni and the product of our most traditional work in the wine cellarFour types of Vermentino combined with a selection of Pani and Focacce from the historical ovens of the area and from tastings of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil obtained from a very limited selection of Olives from our land.Flavors and KnowledgeAn interesting route designed t
Code : MTX10044469

Tasting of Vermentino and locally-grown wines from Lunae:

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Tasting of Vermentino and locally-grown wines from Lunae: Verfügbarkeit


Tasting of Vermentino and locally-grown wines from Lunae: Faszinierende Fakten

Tasting of Vermentino and locally-grown wines from Lunae: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis 20,50 €
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