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Private Image Consultation

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland
Energize your wardrobe with a Private Image Consultation in Dublin. Learn how to shop for your body shape, what colours suit you, and how to use your current wardrobe. The Private Image Consultation is a perfect gift idea for anyone who loves to shop and did not find his personal style yet.
  • Unser Preis 110,00 €
  • Menge:
Private Image Consultation
Private Image Consultation
Private Image Consultation
Private Image Consultation
Private Image Consultation

Private Image Consultation:  

The Experience

Take the frustration out of shopping for new clothing with a Private Image Consultation. Your image consultant will visit you at your home of residence and complete and in-depth image assessment. The consultant will define your body shape, colouring and assess you wardrobe to help you create a better and more complete wardrobe on your own with a Personal Image Consultation in Dublin.
You will learn what colours are suitable to your body shape and how to maximize your current wardrobe, and what to add the next time you go shopping to make a more complete wardrobe suitable to your budget. This wonderful styling gift idea makes the perfect gift for anyone who loves to shop.

Vital Information

Everyone is welcome to purchase a voucher to experience the Private Image Consultation. Please note the availability of this experience gift.

The Weather

This exciting fashion gift experience is not dependent on the weather.

Session Length

The Private Image Consultation in Dublin will take 60-90mins to complete the full assessment of your body shape, colouring, and wardrobe.


The Private Image Consultation in Dublin is designed for one recipient.


This is a one on one gift experience with your own personal fashion consultant. Spectators are not allowed to participate but are instead encouraged to purchase additional vouchers for their own Private Image Consultation. Please note, the above product price is valid for one only.

What To Wear

Please wear comfortable easy to change out of clothing for the Private Image Consultation in Dublin experience.


The Private Image Consultation in Dublin is available all year around.


Greater Dublin, Ireland


Private Image Consultation:

Standorte anzeigen

Private Image Consultation: Verfügbarkeit

The Private Image Consultation in Dublin is available all year around.

Private Image Consultation: Faszinierende Fakten

In the Victorian Era, women wore corests so tight that they often suffered from broken ribs in order to obtain that perfect hour glass figure.

Private Image Consultation: Noch nicht sicher

Private Image Consultation: Einschränkungen

Everyone is welcome to purchase a voucher to experience the Private Image Consultation. Please note the availability of this experience gift.
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  • Unser Preis 110,00 €
  • Menge:

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