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Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands

Internationales Erlebnis : Niederlande

Experience the thrill of flying.

Have you ever dreamed of soaring through the sky? Golden Moments offers you the chance to make that dream come true with this Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands. This unique experience is perfect for daredevils and adventure seekers!

Accompanied by an experienced and qualified instructor, you'll glide over the stunning Dutch landscapes, taking in breath-taking views from high above. Paragliding is not only an exhilarating sport but also a calming one, offering a serene escape as you float above the world below.

If this sounds like the adventure you've been waiting for, book your Paragliding Trial Lesson today and enjoy an unforgettable day in the air!

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  • Unser Preis 150,00 €
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Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands
Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands
Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands
Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands
Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands
Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands

Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands:  

The experience
If you want to go paragliding, but would first like to get to know our sport properly, you can do so by taking a Paragliding Trial Lesson from Golden Moments.

This activity consists of three educational tandem flights per person with an experienced KNVvL certified instructor/tandem pilot.

You will receive detailed instructions in advance about:
- the material used;
- weather (wind direction and force);
- flight plan (what is possible and what are your wishes).

Then you will take a flight with one of our instructors/tandem pilots. During these flights you will receive extensive practical explanation and of course you can steer the largest part of the flight yourself and (if you want) the instructor/tandem pilot can (within safe margins) perform faster flight maneuvers to demonstrate what is possible with a paraglider and how that feels as a (co)pilot. In that case, the flight is shorter, but guaranteed to be more sensational than the coolest roller coaster!

There is a danger involved; paragliding is addictive. After your Paragliding Trial Lesson you may book a course right away!

Important information
You must be at least 14 years old and weigh between 35-120kg for this Paragliding Trial Lesson.

Upon arrival you will pay an additional 2.50 euros for the use of the farmer's pasture.

Paragliding is a weather dependent sport. If it is raining or too windy, it is not safe to fly

Your Paragliding Trial Lesson is weather dependent. In case of rain and strong wind (4 Beaufort or higher), it will be cancelled and you can make a new appointment.

Duration of the experience
Your Paragliding Trial Lesson will take approximately 2 hours. You will first receive extensive theory and instruction. The paragliding itself will take approximately 45 to 60 minutes. Please note that you must be present at least 30 minutes before the start, and that your flight may sometimes take longer.

This package is for 1 person.

Spectators are welcome and may watch part or all of the trial lesson. Ask our customer service for specific conditions that may vary by location.

The dress code is only a recommendation. Our experience with the trial lesson teaches us which clothing is suitable. Of course, this also depends on the weather. We advise you to bring sturdy shoes (preferably mountain boots or sports shoes), gloves and sturdy clothing that can withstand a knock or two for this trial lesson. If there are any additional requirements, we will point this out to you when you make your reservation.

If you want to make a reservation you can choose a date online. This trial lesson is available on selected days of the year. This trial lesson is only valid from April to October.
It is therefore possible that your booked appointment may have to be cancelled due to weather conditions.
The paragliding season runs from April to October. So don't wait too long and book an appointment asap.
The gift voucher is valid for 1 year and you need some margin due to the weather and possible busy schedules.

This Paragliding Trial Lesson is available in Sterksel (Eindhoven - Brabant).

Code : P05801

Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands:

Standorte anzeigen

Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands: Verfügbarkeit

Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands: Faszinierende Fakten

Paragliding Trial Lesson in the Netherlands: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis 150,00 €
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