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The newspaper of your birthday

Discover what happened on your birthday !

Capture a part of the history with a copy of a major newspaper published during your birthday or another important event in your or someone else life.

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  • Unser Preis 59,00 €
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The newspaper of your birthday
The newspaper of your birthday
The newspaper of your birthday
The newspaper of your birthday
The newspaper of your birthday
The newspaper of your birthday

The newspaper of your birthday:  

The experience

You are searching for an original gift? Discover a part of the history with a copy of a newspaper published on your or someone else birthday. What were the news? The newspapers are both in Dutch and in French and from 1910 until now.

Attention : You will always receive the original document and the newspaper is certified original so it is really a historical document.


The newspaper is delivered everywhere in Belgium.


The newspaper is delivered within one week. It can be longer if it is just before holidays.


Different dates from 1910 to now are available. You should call our customer service to be sure the newspaper you want is available because some newspaper are not published on Sunday.


Code : BE0013

The newspaper of your birthday:

The newspaper of your birthday: Reviews

Durchschnitt der Bewertungen
8.0 / 10

Un cadeau original auquel je ne m'attendais pas, vraiment intéressant de découvrir ce qui faisait la une trentaine d'année.
Ludovic D.
9 / 10

Apart cadeau
Het was een bijzonder en apart cadeau.
6 / 10

le journal du commencement de ma vie
ça fait tout drôle de découvrir les évenements qui se sont déroulés le jour de ma naissance.
C'est un cadeau vraiment trés original que j'ai reçu de la part de mon père .
Je garde le document précieusement car illustre le début de ma vie dans ce monde
Julie Martinez
9 / 10

Leuk cadeau
Ik vond het erg leuk om dit cadeau te ontvangen. Het is weer eens iets anders, en het is erg leuk om te lezen wat er is gebeurd op je eigen geboortedag.
8 / 10

The newspaper of your birthday: Bewertung

Ihr Name

The newspaper of your birthday: Verfügbarkeit

Different dates from 1910 to now are available. You should call our customer service to be sure the newspaper you want is available because some newspaper are not published on Sunday.

The newspaper of your birthday: Faszinierende Fakten

The newspaper of your birthday: Noch nicht sicher

  • Unser Preis 59,00 €
  • Menge:
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