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Irish Dance Lesson in Galway with Sean-nós

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland

Learn Sean-nós dancing and Irish step dancing with a professional

A unique Irish dance experience that occurs in the legendary fishing village, The Claddagh in the village's only thatched cottage.
  • Unser Preis 60,00 €
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Irish Dance Lesson in Galway with Sean-nós
Irish Dance Lesson in Galway with Sean-nós
Irish Dance Lesson in Galway with Sean-nós

Irish Dance Lesson in Galway with Sean-nós:  

The Experience

With this Irish dance lesson, you will learn in a traditional way in a cosy, fun, safe and non judgemental environment. This is a unique traditional Irish experience that will be enjoyed in the The Claddagh. You will be hosted by a highly experienced Irish dance teacher who has taught at the largest festival of Celtic music Celtic Connections. In this Irish dance lesson will have the opportunity to attempt to master two styles of Irish traditional dance, Sean-nós dancing and Irish step dancing.

The actual Irish dance lesson in Galway will last for an hour, you will learn some of the basic steps and moves from Irish step dancing and Sean-nós dancing. As well as the physical dancing your Irish dance teacher will also go through the story of the background and history of traditional Irish dancing and music. 

When you arrive at The Claddagh into its only thatched cottage, you will take a short tour of the cottage before jumping into the Irish dancing. The dance lesson will initially begin without music as you begin to practice the steps, then the fun really kicks in when the music starts. As the Irish dance class in Galway concludes you'll have the opportunity to record all the fun of your Irish dancing experience to share with your friends and loved ones, or to use a reference to keep practising what you've learnt. 

At the end of the Irish dance lesson in Galway you'll be able to discuss any questions you may have relating to Irish music and Irish dancing. There will also be recommendations of where you can find authentic traditional music in the pubs. To finish off this Irish dancing experience you'll be able to watch a professional perform a short dance for you.

Vital Information

You must be prepared to learn Sean-nós dancing and Irish step dancing and have fun in this Irish dancing experience in Galway. Please bring water, you will need to, as Irish dancing is a pysical activity.

The Weather

Your Irish dance lesson in The Claddagh, near Galway is not dependant on the weather.

Session Length

The actual dancing element of the experience will last for approximately one hour.


The Irish dance class in Galway is conducted in small groups of no more than 10, this Irish dancing gift voucher entitles one person to participate.

What to Wear

You will need to wear comfortable shoes, no high heels, sandals, flip flops or slippers please.


The Sean-nós dancing lesson in Galway and Irish step dancing class takes place between Monday - Saturday


The Claddagh, Galway

Code : IE10059954

Irish Dance Lesson in Galway with Sean-nós:

Standorte anzeigen

Irish Dance Lesson in Galway with Sean-nós: Verfügbarkeit

Subject to availability but usually available Monday - Saturday

Irish Dance Lesson in Galway with Sean-nós: Faszinierende Fakten

Irish Dance Lesson in Galway with Sean-nós: Noch nicht sicher

Irish Dance Lesson in Galway with Sean-nós: Einschränkungen

You must be over the age of 4
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  • Unser Preis 60,00 €
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