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Indoor Bungee Jump

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigtes Königreich
Looking for an adrenaline-packed adventure that will take your breath away? Look no further than our Indoor Bungee Jump gift experience!

This thrilling gift will give you the opportunity to experience the ultimate rush as you leap from a towering height and plunge towards the ground.

During your bungee jump, you'll experience an incredible rush of adrenaline as you freefall towards the ground, before the bungee cord safely rebounds you back up towards the ceiling. You'll feel weightless, exhilarated, and truly alive!

This gift is perfect for anyone who loves extreme sports or is looking for an unforgettable adventure. It's also a great way to conquer fears, build confidence, and push yourself to the limits.

So why wait? Take the leap of faith and experience the ultimate adrenaline rush with our Indoor Bungee Jump gift experience. It's an unforgettable thrill ride that you'll never forget!
  • Unser Preis 61,00 €
  • Menge:
Indoor Bungee Jump
Indoor Bungee Jump
Indoor Bungee Jump
Indoor Bungee Jump
Indoor Bungee Jump
Indoor Bungee Jump

Indoor Bungee Jump:  

The Experience

This is your chance to do the World's only Indoor Bungee Jump! Climb the 143 steps to the jump zone and feel the adrenaline pumping through your body. You will be enveloped in semi darkness, spotlights will be whirling around you and the music will be pumping. Dry ice will fill the air and you will see 7 huge video screens of what you are about to experience. You will then take the plunge from the 150ft platform. This experience is not for the faint hearted!

Vital information

Maximum weight is 120kg (18.9 stone). Waist harnesses fit waist size of 40cm (15.7 inches) to 125cm (49.2 inches). Minimum age is 14. Under 16s need a parent/guardian's signature. Over 50s need to produce a doctor's certificate. You must be in good health and you must inform us of any medical conditions before the jump as they may prohibit your participation. If you suffer from any of the following you cannot jump: high Blood Pressure, a heart condition, dizziness or epilepsy, pregnancy, asthma, damage to neck, spine legs or eyes. If you appear to be intoxicated, you will not be able to jump

The Weather

The weather should not affect your jump, as it is inside.

Session length

The safety checks, briefing and harnessing will take a few minutes. The jump will last a few heart-stopping seconds before you are gently lowered back to the ground.


You'll jump on your own, but there will be others waiting their turn.


Spectators are welcome. Cameras are permitted, however please be aware that the venue is dark and therefore quality of photographs may be affected.

What To Wear

Just dress comfortably. Don't wear high heels or long boots.


This experience operates on set event dates. Please contact us for more information.




Merchandise is available at the venue with photos, t-shirts and hoodies on offer.

Indoor Bungee Jump:

Standorte anzeigen

Indoor Bungee Jump: Verfügbarkeit

This experience operates on set event dates. Please contact us for more information.

Indoor Bungee Jump: Faszinierende Fakten

Indoor Bungee Jump: Noch nicht sicher

Indoor Bungee Jump: Einschränkungen

Minimum age is 14. Under 16s need a parent or guardian's signature. Over 50s need to produce a doctor's certificate to confirm that you are fit.

You must be in good health and you must inform us of any medical conditions before the jump as they may prohibit your participation.

Any of the following you cannot jump:high Blood Pressure, a heart condition, suffer from dizziness or epilepsy, pregnancy, asthma, damage to neck, spine legs or eyes.

Drinking before jumping is not permitted.
Don't wear high heals or long boots.
Hard contacts or glasses are not advisable.
Befolgen Sie diese 4 einfachen Schritten, um einen unvergesslichen Tag zu genießen!

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  • Unser Preis 61,00 €
  • Menge:
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Eigene CD einsingen im Raum Frankfurt Auch wenn ich kein guter Sänger bin, tu ich es für mein Leben gern. Deshalb hatte ich viel Spaß bei der Aufnahme meiner CD und bin auch sehr überrascht wie gut das Ergebnis ist. Alles ist sehr professionell und ich hab mich wohl gefühlt. Timo

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