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Hop-on hop-off Big Bus Rome tickets with free walking tours

Internationales Erlebnis : Italien


  • Unser Preis 32,80 €
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Hop-on hop-off Big Bus Rome tickets with free walking tours
Hop-on hop-off Big Bus Rome tickets with free walking tours

Hop-on hop-off Big Bus Rome tickets with free walking tours:  

With our Hop-on Hop-off Big Bus ticket, you will be able to discover the most important sights of the Eternal city from the open-top double-decker bus, hopping on and off at any of the 8 stops around Rome. Purchase entry tickets to some of Rome's most important attractions before you hop-off the bus and receive some friendly discounts. Learn about the history of the Eternal city through the recorded commentary available in 9 different languages and join any of the free walking tours with an official English speaking guide.The ticket options include:
- Classic
- 1-day hop-on hop-off Big Bus ticket
- 4 free walking tours
- Access to red and blue lines

- Premium
- 2-day hop-on hop-off Big Bus ticket
- 4 free walking tours
- Catacombs Line

- Deluxe
- 3-day hop-on hop-off Big Bus ticket
- 4 free walking tours
- Catacombs Line
- Panoramic Night Tour

To view the route map and timetable click here**Please note that from July 2018, the Red line will not be operational until further notice. The Blue line will run every day of the week. The free walking tours with an English-speaking guide include:
- Vatican walking tour: Ponte Sant’Angelo, St. Peter’s square and Basilica San Pietro
- Colosseum walking tour: the Capitoline hill area, the majestic Altare della Patria and the Via dei Fori Imperiali and the Colosseum.
- Piazza Venezia walking tour: Capitoline hill, the Pantheon and Piazza Navona
- Barberini walking tour: Spanish steps and the “Barcaccia” fountain

Code : MTX10041765

Hop-on hop-off Big Bus Rome tickets with free walking tours:

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Hop-on hop-off Big Bus Rome tickets with free walking tours: Verfügbarkeit


Hop-on hop-off Big Bus Rome tickets with free walking tours: Faszinierende Fakten

Hop-on hop-off Big Bus Rome tickets with free walking tours: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis 32,80 €
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