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Rascals Brewery Tour Dublin

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland

A discovery tour of the Rascals Brewing Company

Are you looking for a delicious and knowledgeable experience with various beverages?

If so then look no further as this is the place you need to be!

Rascals Brewery is located in Dublin 8 and is renowned in the area for its delicious and complex microbrews, which have earned them the title of a staple within Dublin.

The company was founded back in 2014 after the creators lived and worked in New Zealand and decided to put everything they had into making their business dream come true. And what a dream come true it is! The microbrewery has received hundreds of glowing reviews for its wonderful beverages, but also next door, it also has its own pizzeria which you can definitely get a few slices after you have finished your tour.

Get your tickets booked in and experience everything this fine establishment had to offer, with the help of Golden Moments, the experience experts.
  • Unser Preis 13,00 €
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Rascals Brewery Tour Dublin
Rascals Brewery Tour Dublin
Rascals Brewery Tour Dublin
Rascals Brewery Tour Dublin

Rascals Brewery Tour Dublin:  

The Experience

The Rascals Brewery Tour in Dublin is a fantastically charming experience, which is led by an expert tour guide, who has also worked at the two top Irish attractions, including the infamous Guinness Storehouse in Dublin and Kilmainham Gaol. 

This brewery tour in Dublin is quite unique as you will discover when you are told the brilliant story behind the Rascals Brewing Company. You will learn of how the founders of Rascals Brewing Company (a wife and husband team) took their inspiration from the craft beer scene that was emerging in New Zealand, they gave up their day jobs in pursuit of their dream of setting up a Dublin brewery. 
As the Rascals Brewery Tour precedes you'll be taken through the floor of the Rascals Brewery to a mezzanine where the tour of Rascals Brewing Company brewing facilities commences. At all times along this brewery tour in Dublin, the guides will engage with the senses of the visitors. You'll be asked to smell the hops and taste the malted barley, which is used in the production of Rascals beer. You'll also get up close to the fermenters and brewing vessels that are used in the brewery, you'll be able to hear and see exactly how Rascals beer is made. There are also numerous art installations throughout the tour, which explain what happens at each stage of the brewing. You won't find any other brewery tour in Dublin that offers such an engaging, behind the scenes access as they offer in the Rascals Brewery Tour.

Vital Information

Unfortunately, at the moment the Rascals Brewing tour is not yet wheelchair accessible.

The Weather

Your brewery tour in Dublin wil not be affected by the weather.

Session Length

The tour in total will last about half an hour, though feel free at the end of the tour to enjoy a drink or two in the bar.


The tour will take place in small groups of no more than 25 people. The gift voucher for brewery tour in Dublin is valid for one person to enjoy the Rascals Brewery tour.

What to Wear

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, whilst touring a brewery in Dublin.


All year round, subject to availability.


Dublin 8
Code : IE10059955

Rascals Brewery Tour Dublin:

Standorte anzeigen

Rascals Brewery Tour Dublin: Verfügbarkeit

Rascals Brewery Tour Dublin: Faszinierende Fakten

Rascals Brewery Tour Dublin: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis 13,00 €
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