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Chicago Lunch Cruise

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigte Staaten

Enjoy incredible views of Chicago as you enjoy a buffet style lunch.

Take in spectacular panoramic views of the Chicago skyline from the Lake Michigan as you cruise along the lakefront and then back toward Museum Campus and Soldier Field. The open air observation deck gives you the prefect place to capture photos.

During the cruise you will have plenty of time to relax, sit back and indulge in a buffet style menu that offers a variety of delicious dishes and indulgent desserts.

After lunch head to the dance floor where the DJ will be playing old favourites and up to date hits.
  • Unser Preis 65,90 €
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Chicago Lunch Cruise
Chicago Lunch Cruise
Chicago Lunch Cruise
Chicago Lunch Cruise
Chicago Lunch Cruise
Chicago Lunch Cruise

Chicago Lunch Cruise:  

The Experience

Spend the afternoon enjoying a Chicago lunch cruise.

Step aboard the Spirit of Chicago for a lunch cruise that indulges you with incredible views of the city and a delicious buffet. This lunch cruise departs from Navy Pier and takes you north along the lakefront and then back down toward Museum Campus and Soldier Field. The ample windows and rooftop observation desk allow you to enjoy phenomenal views of the city skyline.

Your buffet lunch offers a variety of delicious dishes and mouthwatering desserts.

After lunch you can head to the open air observation lounge and dance into the evening to the music provided by the onboard DJ.

Vital Information

Reservation confirmation is required. On the day of your cruise, please check in at the ticket booth at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. Present your voucher(s) and photo identification when you check in.

The Spirit has a deck and restrooms that can accommodate most standard-sized wheelchairs. Our crew is happy to aide passengers that need assistance. Please advise us this requirement at time of booking. Boarding begins 30 minutes before the cruise begins. All interior areas of our ship are non-smoking areas. Passengers who smoke may do so on the outdoor observation decks.

All cruise tickets are non-refundable. However, for parties of 19 guests or fewer you may reschedule your cruise free of charge with at least seven days advance notice. If you must reschedule your cruise less than one week prior to the cruise date, you will incur a rebooking fee.For Dinner Cruises, the fee is $25 per person. The balance of your payment will be held on your account and can be applied toward a future cruise within the next year.

The Weather

Ships are fully enclosed and climate-controlled for your comfort. We sail rain or shine year round.

Session Length

Your dinner cruise will last for 2 hours. Times vary depending on which day and time of year you choose. 


This voucher is for one person. You will share the cruise with other passengers. Smaller parties may be seated together.


Spectators are not allowed. Anyone wishing to join you on the cruise should hold a valid voucher.

What To Wear

For men, appropriate attire includes slacks and a polo or button down shirt. For women, nice slacks, Capri pants or a sundress is recommended. Although allowed, we strongly discourage collarless t-shirts, jeans, shorts or athletic shoes.


This lunch cruise is typically available 7 days a week but is not available on the following dates: 3/27/2016, 5/8/2016, 6/19/2016, 7/4/2016, 11/24/2016, 12/25/2016, 12/31/2016, 2/12-14/2017 



Code : US10015690

Chicago Lunch Cruise:

Standorte anzeigen

Chicago Lunch Cruise: Verfügbarkeit

This dinner cruise is typically available 7 days a week but is not available on the following dates: 3/27/2016, 5/8/2016, 6/19/2016, 7/4/2016, 11/24/2016, 12/25/2016, 12/31/2016, 2/12-14/2017

Times vary depending on which day and time of year you choose.

Chicago Lunch Cruise: Faszinierende Fakten

Chicago Lunch Cruise: Noch nicht sicher

Chicago Lunch Cruise: Einschränkungen

Reservation confirmation is required. On the day of your cruise, please check in at the ticket booth at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. Present your voucher(s) and photo identification when you check in.

The Spirit has a deck and restrooms that can accommodate most standard-sized wheelchairs. Our crew is happy to aide passengers that need assistance. Please advise us this requirement at time of booking. Boarding begins 30 minutes before the cruise begins. All interior areas of our ship are non-smoking areas. Passengers who smoke may do so on the outdoor observation decks.

All cruise tickets are non-refundable. However, for parties of 19 guests or fewer you may reschedule your cruise free of charge with at least seven days advance notice. If you must reschedule your cruise less than one week prior to the cruise date, you will incur a rebooking fee.For Dinner Cruises, the fee is $25 per person. The balance of your payment will be held on your account and can be applied toward a future cruise within the next year.
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  • Unser Preis 65,90 €
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Dinner in the dark in Berlin for two Also ich muss ehrlich zugeben, ich fand es am Anfang sehr beängstigend. Man fühlt sich unsicher und unwohl, wenn man nichts sehen kann. Doch nach einer Weile konnte auch mich daran gewöhnen und das ganze genießen. Das Essen war gut und das Personal auch sehr freundlich. Trotzdem sollte man sicher vorher genau überlegen worauf man sich einlässt. Regina

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